Alternative Supercharger Fitting design and 3D Printing.... please click here to see

 We have been measuring and designing new templates and adaptors. With the aid of some supplied sketches and our own dimensions, we can consider the possibility for the Wolseley to have an option to use a Volumex supercharger in the future. You can see that we've been using CAD to draw up the various components to carry out a test assembly and assessment within the CAD program. 

The photos show the parts being drawn and also a prototype adaptor being printed on the 3D printer to give a a solid model for trial. Should we wish, this will give the possibility to present a slightly scaled up print for use as a pattern for casting of particular items. It may be more cost effective to cast rather than machining from billet.

Please note, the plastic type of material we use is created from biproduct of cereal production, it is wholly recyclable.

Further updates will follow.

 The adaptors on the printer and CAD drawing at the top of the page, are to suit the inlet manifold fitting of this Volumex. This picture indicates where a bespoke end housing will be made and a drive extension will be taken from the topmost rotor to a belt drive as with the existing Wolseley supercharger arrangement.


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